Jongkey moment @ Mubank. ♥
July is going to be over in about 2 hrs yeah. July has been pretty good, considering the whole of it, but recently life has been really screwed x.x". All I can say is, it's been a tiring month. I suddenly feel so tired and feel like giving up on everything, but then it's like I can't. Thanks goodness for SHINee and those yeobos that I've not given up. Esp. Jen yea, ily. ♥ It seriously has been enough for a month. A month of tiredness, a month of tears, a month of laughter, a month of SHINee. July might have not been so fulfilling if not for SHINee, you guys are like my 3 needs, oxygen water and food. Without you guys I don't know where I'll be now, thanks so much. And it has been a very SHINeelicious month, comeback was a huge success. Congrats boys, I hope August will be a shining month for you too ;) So it comes to me it is the last day of a tiring month, and I should let go of everything in July, they're all in the past. Goodbye July 2010. :)
August is coming in 55mins. August will be shining yes cos I'm gonna get my Lucifer ver a + b! Mad luvz. ♥♥♥ Shall do something pretty random now.
#augustwish *edited* -
- SAVE MONEY!!! $$$
- GET MY LUCIFER VER A + B. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- let go of everything in July and continue on life in August.
- STUDY as hard as I FANGIRL ;)
Oh yes, I chanced upon this while reading others' blogs. Very meaningful and true. :)
"No matter how bad things might be right now, be happy! Things will get better, 'cause it doesn't rain forever :) It's not easy but hang in there a little and have faith. Everything will be just fine." - Loosin
And before I go off to sleep, I shall dedicate a few sentences here to my beloved EL. ♥
EL, I know it has been tough on you these few years. The sad story of you guys being looked down by other CCAs, saying that we won our Gold with honours by "luck", or "bribing the judges". You guys have been very strong to go through all those, others saying our CCA is very slack and all those even though we work very hard, only to be looked down upon by others. But I believe, EL, no matter what others say or insult about us, we are still one CCA, the best and all. And the EL spirit, is dying out. Let's work together to rekindle the EL spirit!
Annyeong. ^^